Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
A pattern is a reusable solution that can be applied to commonly occurring problems in software design - in our case - in writing JavaScript web applications.
A pattern is a reusable solution that can be applied to commonly occurring problems in software design - in our case - in writing JavaScript web applications.
A blockchain, originally block chain, is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp and transaction data....
A work at home parent is an entrepreneur who works from home and integrates parenting into his or her business activities. They are sometimes referred to as a WAHM (work at home mom) or a WAHD (work at home dad)....
Conferences are a perfect way to make friends and learn from experts. Here are some React conferences to look forward to in 2018.
jekyll new <PATH> installs a new Jekyll site at the path specified (relative to current directory). In this case, Jekyll will be installed in a directory called myblog. Here are some additional details:
No more databases, comment moderation, or pesky updates to install-just your content. Markdown, Liquid, HTML & CSS go in. Static sites come out ready for deployment. Permalinks, categories, pages, posts, and custom layouts are all first-class citizens here.
If you’ve gotten pretty comfortable with Markdown in Jekyll, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips about the types of things you can do with it!
The Apple Watch is a smartwatch developed by Apple Inc. It incorporates fitness tracking and health-oriented capabilities as well as integration with iOS and other Apple products and services. The device is available in four variants: Apple Watch Sport, Apple...